Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland |
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Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland (unverified)
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Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
Phone: 003530539160600
Intended to publish EPA Ireland datasets via OGC compatible web services.
Counties (EPA:ADMIN_County)
Counties within the Republic of Ireland
EPA Offices (EPA:ADMIN_EPAOffices)
EPA Offices dataset shows the location of the current office locations across the country.
This is a dataset of the NUTS 2 boudaries for Ireland
This is a dataset of the NUTS 3 boundaries for Ireland.
Settlements (EPA:ADMIN_Settlements)
Settlements within the Republic of Ireland
Areas where marketing, sale, distribution and burning of bituminous coal has been banned or restricted as part of 2012 Regulations (S.I. No. 326 of 2012).
Location of EPA AIR EMEP Monitoring Sites
Air Monitoring Sites (EPA:AIR_MonitoringSites)
Location of EPA Air Monitoring Sites
AIR NO2 - Modelled NO2 Dublin (EPA:AIR_NO2)
AIR NO2 - Modelled NO2 Dublin 2017
AIR PM10 - Modelled PM10 Dublin (EPA:AIR_PM10)
AIR PM10 - Modelled PM10 Dublin 2017
AIR PM2.5 - Modelled PM2.5 Dublin (EPA:AIR_PM2_5)
AIR PM2.5 - Modelled PM2.5 Dublin 2017
Air Zones (EPA:AIR_Zones)
Designated Air Quality Zones
National Ambient Air Quality Sites (EPA:AQIH_MonitoringSites)
This map shows the locations of current ambient air monitoring stations. Air quality at these sites are assessed in line with requirements as defined by S.I. 180 of 2011 and form part of the National Ambient Air Quality Programme.
Air Quality Index Regions (EPA:AQIH_Regions)
The Air Quality Index for Health (AQIH) is comprised of 6 regions as follows: Dublin, Cork, Large Towns (>15,000), Small Towns (5,000 - 15,000), Rural East and Rural West. The AQIH is calculated on an hourly basis using representative sampling from each region. Each region is ranked 1 - 10, with 1 being 'Good' and 10 being 'Very Poor' based on the worst case pollutant in that region. Further information on the AQIH is available here http://www.epa.ie/air/quality/index/.
Local Authorities Generalised (EPA:Admin_LA_Generalised)
Local Authorities (EPA:Admin_LocalAuthorities)
This is a dataset of the Local Authorities in the Republic of Ireland.
Settlements Generalised (EPA:Admin_Settlements_Generalised)
PRTR: All PRTR Sectors (EPA:All_PRTR_Sectors)
PRTR: All PRTR Sectors
Bathing Water Quality (EPA:BathingWaterQuality)
Bathing Locations and Water Quality 2002-2016
Significant Pressures - Certs of Authorisations (EPA:COA_SignificantPressures)
A list of COAs which are considered WFD Significant Pressures
Coastal Waterbody WFD Latest Status (EPA:CWB_WFD_LatestStatus)
Latest Water Quality Status for WFD Coastal Waterbodies
Canals Ecological Potential 2010-2015 (EPA:Canal_Status_20102015)
Canal Status 2010-2015
Canals Ecological Potential 2013-2018 (EPA:Canal_Status_20132018)
Canal Waterbodies Status 2013-2018
Canal Waterbodies Risk (EPA:Canals_ApprovedRisk)
CanalRisk looks at the current water quality and trends and is used to highlight waterbodies that are at risk of deteriorating or being at less than Good status in the future.
Canal Waterbodies Risk (EPA:Canals_ApprovedRisk_Cycle3)
Canal Risk looks at the current water quality and trends and is used to highlight waterbodies that are at risk of deteriorating or being at less than Good status in the future.
Chemical Monitoring Points (EPA:DAS_ChemicalMonitoring)
Dumping at Sea Chemical Monitoring locations.
Dump Site Boundaries (EPA:DAS_DumpBoundaries)
Dumping at Sea Site Boundaries
NIP 10 Risk Zones (EPA:DWWTS_Risk10Zone)
This dataset was developed for the National Inspection Plan 2018 to 2021 for Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems, where 1 is the highest risk and 5 is not at risk. Please refer to the metadata for a full explanation of the risk categories.
EPA Drinking Water Remedial Action List (EPA:DW_RAL)
Environmental Protection Agency Drinking Water Remedial Action List
GSI Bedrock Aquifer (EPA:GEOL_GSI_Aquifer)
An aquifer is an underground body of water-bearing rock or unconsolidated materials (gravel or sand) from which groundwater can be extracted in useful amounts
GSI Gravel Aquifer (EPA:GEOL_GSI_Aquifer_SandGravel)
This dataset comprises sand and gravel aquifers
GSI Bedrock Geology 1 Million (EPA:GEOL_GSI_Bedrock1Million)
GSI bedrock geology mapped into 27 rock unit group categories
GSI Vulnerability (EPA:GEOL_GSI_Vulnerability)
Groundwater Vulnerability is a term used to represent the intrinsic geological and hydrogeological characteristics that determine the ease with which groundwater may be contaminated by human activities
GSI Bedrock Faults 100k (EPA:GSI_Bedrock100kLinework)
GSI Bedrock Polygons 100k (EPA:GSI_Bedrock_100k)
GSI Public Supply Source Protection Areas (EPA:GSI_SourceProtectionAreas)
Geological Survey Ireland - Source Protection Areas
Ground Waterbody WFD Latest Status (EPA:GWB_WFD_LatestStatus)
Latest Water Quality Status for WFD Ground Waterbodies
Groundwater Receptor Nitrate PIP (EPA:GW_Nitrate_PIP)
Pollution Impact Potential Maps - Groundwater Receptor Nitrate
HYDRO Catchments (EPA:HYDRO_Catchments)
HYDRO Catchments
River Flow Estimates - Hydrotool (EPA:HYDRO_Points)
HYDRO Points
Coastal Waterbody High Status Objective (EPA:HighStatusObjective_Coastal)
High Status Objective Coastal Waterbodies
Lake Waterbody High Status Objective (EPA:HighStatusObjective_Lake)
WFD High Status Objective Lake Waterbodies
River Waterbody High Status Objective (EPA:HighStatusObjective_Rivers)
WFD High Status Objective River Waterbodies
Transitional Waterbody High Status Objective (EPA:HighStatusObjective_Transitional)
High Status Objective Transitional Waterbodies
Significant Pressures - IEL Facilities (EPA:IEL_SignificantPressures)
A list of IEL Facilities that are deemed to be a WFD significant pressure
Significant Pressures - IPC Facilities (EPA:IPC_SignificantPressures)
A list of IPC Facilities which are considered WFD Significant Pressures
IPPC Boundary (EPA:IPPC_Boundary)
Location of IPPC Emission Site Boundaries
IPPC Emission Points (EPA:IPPC_EmissionPts)
Location of EPA licenced IPPC Emission Points
IPPC Facility Details (EPA:IPPC_LicFacilities)
Location of EPA licenced and surrendered IPPC, IPC and IEL facilities.
IPPC Monitoring Points (EPA:IPPC_MonitoringPts)
Location of EPA licenced IPPC Monitoring Points
Corine 2000 (EPA:LAND_CLC00Rev)
Corine Land Cover 2000 Revised is a revised map of the Irish environmental landscape based on interpretation of satellite images. It is based on EU devised Corine specifications.
Corine 2000 Level 6 (EPA:LAND_CLC00_LEV6)
Corine Land Cover 2000 Level 6 is map of the Irish environmental landscape based on interpretation of satellite images based on EC established CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) specifications.
Corine 2006 (EPA:LAND_CLC06Rev)
Corine Land Cover 2006 Revised is a revised map of the Irish environmental landscape based on interpretation of satellite images. It is based on EU devised Corine specifications.
Corine 2012 (EPA:LAND_CLC12Rev)
Corine Land Cover 2012 Revision is a revised map of the Irish environmental landscape based on interpretation of satellite images based on EC established CORINE specifications.
Corine 2018 (EPA:LAND_CLC18)
Corine Land Cover 2018 is a map of the Irish environmental landscape based on interpretation of satellite images based on EC established CORINE specifications.
Corine 1990 (EPA:LAND_CLC90)
Corine Land Cover 1990 is map of the Irish environmental landscape based on interpretation of satellite images based on EU established CORINE specifications.
Corine Change 2006 - 2012 (EPA:LAND_CLCCH_06_12)
Corine Land Cover Changes 2000-2006 is a map of the changes in Irish environmental landscape between 2000 and 2006, based on revised Corine 2000 database.
Corine Change 2012 - 2018 (EPA:LAND_CLCCH_12_18)
Corine Land Cover Changes 2012-2018 is a map of the changes in Irish environmental landscape between 2012 and 2018, based on revised Corine 2000 database.
Corine Change 2000 - 2006 (EPA:LAND_CLCCh_00_06)
Corine Land Cover Changes 2000-2006 is a map of the changes in Irish environmental landscape between 2000 and 2006, based on revised Corine 2000 database. It is based on EU devised Corine specifications.
Corine Change 1990 - 2000 (EPA:LAND_CLCCh_90_00)
Corine Land Cover Changes 2000-2006 is a map of the changes in Irish environmental landscape between 1990 and 2000, based on revised Corine 2000 database. It is based on EU devised Corine specifications.
The point(s) where urban waste water (sewage) is released to a water body after treatment.
The point(s) where urban waste water (sewage) is released to a water body after treatment.
Certs of Authorisation Locations (<500pe) (EPA:LEMA_FACILITIES_COA)
Certs of Authorisation Locations
IEL (EPA:LEMA_Facilities_IEL)
Industrial Emission Licence
IPC (EPA:LEMA_Facilities_IPC)
Integrated Pollution Control facility licenced by the EPA
IPPC, IPC and IEL Facilities (EPA:LEMA_Facilities_P_IPPC_IPC_IEL)
Integrated Pollution Control facilities and Industrial Emission facilities licenced by the EPA.
UWW Plant Locations (>500pe) (EPA:LEMA_Facilities_UWW)
Urban Waste Water Treatment Plant Locations
UWWT Plant Compliance (EPA:LEMA_Facilities_UWWT_Compliance)
Urban Waste Water Treatment Plant Compliance
Waste Facilities (EPA:LEMA_Facilities_Waste)
Landfills, transfer stations and other significant waste activities that are licensed by the EPA.
Extractive Industries Registered Sites (EPA:LEMA_Facilties_Extractive_Facilities)
Extractive Industries Registered Sites
Lake Waterbody WFD Latest Status (EPA:LWB_WFD_LatestStatus)
Latest Water Quality Status for WFD Lake Waterbodies
Localised Groundwater Nitrate PIP (EPA:Localised_GW_Nitrate_PIP)
Pollution Impact Potential Maps - Localised Groundwater Nitrate
MCP Facility Locations (EPA:MCP_Facilities)
Location of MCP Facilities and Emission Points
Mine Geological Linear Features (EPA:MINES_GeologyLinear)
Mines Geological Linear Features
Mine Other Waste Areas (EPA:MINES_OtherWaste)
Solid waste heaps of differing substances such as stockpiles of low grade ore.
Point Mine Features (EPA:MINES_PointFeatures)
Mine features at individual mine sites.
Mine Site Boundaries (EPA:MINES_SiteBoundaries)
Boundary of mine drawn specifically for the Historic Mines Project
Mine District (EPA:MINES_SiteLocation)
The general location of the historic mining districts in Ireland
Mine Site Features (EPA:MINES_Site_Features)
A range of mining features found on a typical mine site
Mines Solid Waste Analyses (EPA:MINES_SolidWaste_Analyses)
Mine point locations of where solid waste was analysed using the X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
Mines Solid Waste Heaps (EPA:MINES_SpoilHeaps)
The boundaries of solid waste heaps that were located at historic mine sites
Mines Stream Sediment Analyses (EPA:MINES_Stream_Sediments)
The location of the sampling site for each stream sediment sampled and analysed
Linear Mine Features (EPA:MINES_StructureLinear)
Linear features associated with a mine site. This includes adit level and coal seems
Mines Water Analyses (Summer) (EPA:MINES_SummerWSamp)
Location of water sampling sites for the Historic Mines Project
Mine Linear Waste Features (EPA:MINES_WasteLinear)
Mine drainage located at historic mine sites
Mine Point Waste Features (EPA:MINES_WastePoint)
Point locations of seepages and discharges found at mine sites
Mine Water Linear (EPA:MINES_WaterLinear)
Linear water features including drainage, surface run-off and water conduits
Mine Point Water Features (EPA:MINES_WaterPoint)
Point locations of wells, springs and sinkholes identified at historic mine sites
Mine Water Areas (EPA:MINES_Water_Poly)
Water features such as reservoir, settling ponds and lagoons
Mine Water Analyses (Winter) (EPA:MINES_WinterWtrSampling)
Location of water sampling sites for the Historic Mines Project
Historical S.E. Chemical Data (EPA:MON_HistoricalSEChemical2007)
Historical Groundwater Quality: 2007
Historical Groundwater Quality 2003-2005 (EPA:MON_Historical_GWQuality_20032005)
Pre-WFD Historical Groundwater Quality: 2003-2005
Hydrometric Gauges (EPA:MON_Hydrometricgauges)
A Register of Hydrometric Stations in Ireland
Latest River Q Values (EPA:MON_QRecords_Version2)
Current River Q Values from the River ecology monitoring programme
National Water Monitoring Stations (EPA:MON_WaterStations)
Water Monitoring Stations registered with EPA
River Q Values 1971-2018 (EPA:MON_Waterstations_MON_QRecords_71_18)
River Q-Values from River ecology monitoring programme for the years 1971 to 2018
River Q-Values 2004-2017 (EPA:MON_Waterstations_MON_Qrecords_04_17)
River Q-Values from River ecology monitoring programme for the years 2004 to 2017
Zone of Subsidence (EPA:Mines_Geology_Poly)
Mine Zone of Subsidence
Mine Site Location (EPA:Mines_SiteBoundaryCentroids)
Point location of individual mine sites within each district
NFGWS Group Scheme Source Protection Areas (EPA:NFGWS_GroupWaterScheme)
National Federation of Group Water Schemes - Group Scheme Source Protection Areas
Noise Round 2 Airport - Day (EPA:NOISE_R2_Airport_Day)
Airport noise maps for the 2012 period, presented in terms of two noise indicators: Lden and Lnight.
Noise Round 2 Airport - Night (EPA:NOISE_R2_Airport_Night)
Airport noise maps for the 2012 period, presented in terms of two noise indicators: Lden and Lnight.
Noise Round 2 Rail - Day (EPA:NOISE_R2_Rail_Day)
Rail noise maps for the 2012 period, presented in terms of two noise indicators: Lden and Lnight.
Noise Round 2 Rail - Night (EPA:NOISE_R2_Rail_Night)
Rail noise maps for the 2012 period, presented in terms of two noise indicators: Lden and Lnight.
Noise Round 2 Road - Day (EPA:NOISE_R2_Road_Day)
Road noise maps for the 2012 period, presented in terms of two noise indicators:Lden and Lnight.
Noise Round 2 Road - Night (EPA:NOISE_R2_Road_Night)
Road noise maps for the 2012 period, presented in terms of two noise indicators: Lden and Lnight.
Noise Round 1 - Airport (EPA:NOISE_Rd1_AirportData)
Strategic Noise Mapping of Airports Round 1 2006
Noise Round 1 - Dublin Agglomeration (EPA:NOISE_Rd1_DublinAgglom)
Strategic Noise Mapping of Dublin Agglomeration Round 1 2006
Noise Round 1 - NRA (EPA:NOISE_Rd1_NRAData)
Strategic Noise Mapping of NRA Data Round 1 2006
Noise Round 1 - Rail (EPA:NOISE_Rd1_RailData)
Strategic Noise Mapping of Rail Round 1 2006
Noise Round 3 Airport - Lden (EPA:NOISE_Rd3_Airport_Day)
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of airports, in the form of noise contours for the Lden (day, evening, night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomeration's airports. The dB value represents the average decibel value during the Lden time.
Noise Round 3 Airport - Lnight (EPA:NOISE_Rd3_Airport_Night)
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of airports, in the form of noise contours for the Lnight (night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomerations airports. The dB value represents the average decibel value during the Lnight time.
Noise Round 3 Rail - Lden (EPA:NOISE_Rd3_Rail_Day)
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of rail, which were identified as those rail exceeding the flow threshold of 30,000 vehicle passages per year, in the form of noise contours for the Lden (day, evening, night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomerations and the major roads outside of the agglomerations. The dB value represents the average decibel value during the Lden time.
Noise Round 3 Rail - Lnight (EPA:NOISE_Rd3_Rail_Night)
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of rail, which were identified as those rail exceeding the flow threshold of 30,000 vehicle passages per year, in the form of noise contours for the Lnight (night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomerations and the major rail outside of the agglomerations. The dB value represents the average decibel value during the Lnight time.
Noise Round 3 Road - Lden (EPA:NOISE_Rd3_Road_Day)
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of roads, which were identified as those roads exceeding the flow threshold of 3 million passages per year, in the form of noise contours for the Lden (day, evening, night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomerations and the major roads outside of the agglomerations. The dB value represents the average decibel value during the Lden time.
Noise Round 3 Road - Lnight (EPA:NOISE_Rd3_Road_Night)
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of roads, which were identified as those roads exceeding the flow threshold of 3 million passages per year, in the form of noise contours for the Lnight (night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomerations and the major roads outside of the agglomerations. The dB value represents the average decibel value during the Lnight time.
The Large towns of Republic of Ireland based on 2002 Central Statistics Office (CSO) town density data for the ROI
The Medium towns of Republic of Ireland based on 2002 Central Statistics Office (CSO) town density data for the ROI
The Small towns of Republic of Ireland based on 2002 Central Statistics Office (CSO) town density data for the ROI
S.A.C - Latest Cycle (EPA:PROT_EU_SAC)
Special Area of Conservation in Ireland
S.P.A - Latest Cycle (EPA:PROT_EU_SPA)
Special Protection Areas in Ireland
National Parks in Ireland
A Nature Reserve is an area of importance to wildlife, which is protected under Ministerial order
Natural Heritage Areas (EPA:PROT_NHA)
Natural Heritage Areas in Ireland
N.I. Marine Conservation Zones (EPA:PROT_NIMCZINSHORE)
N.I. Marine Conservation Zones
Northern Ireland Special Area of Conservation
Northern Ireland Special Protection Areas
RAMSAR Sites identify and place suitable wetlands onto the List of Wetlands of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
Special Area of Conservation in Ireland
S.A.C. - Sept 2016 (wfd:PROT_SAC)
Special Area of Conservation
SAC with Water Dependent Habitats/Species - Dec 2018 (EPA:PROT_SAC_DEC2018)
Special Area of Conservation in Ireland
SAC - Sep 2016 (EPA:PROT_SAC_SEP2016)
Special Area of Conservation in Ireland
Special Protection Areas in Ireland
S.P.A. - Sept 2016 (wfd:PROT_SPA)
Special Area of Conservation
SPA with Water Dependent Habitats/Species - Dec 2018 (EPA:PROT_SPA_DEC2018)
Special Protection Areas in Ireland
SPA - Sep 2016 (EPA:PROT_SPA_SEP2016)
Special Protection Areas in Ireland
PRTR: Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector (EPA:PRTR_Animal_and_vegetable_products_from_the_food_and_beverage_sector)
PRTR: Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector
PRTR: Chemical industry (EPA:PRTR_Chemical_industry)
PRTR: Chemical industry
PRTR: Energy sector (EPA:PRTR_Energy_sector)
PRTR: Energy sector
PRTR: Intensive livestock production and aquaculture (EPA:PRTR_Intensive_livestock_production_and_aquaculture)
PRTR: Intensive livestock production and aquaculture
PRTR: Mineral industry (EPA:PRTR_Mineral_industry)
PRTR: Mineral industry
PRTR: Other activities (EPA:PRTR_Other_activities)
PRTR: Other activities
PRTR: Paper and wood production and processing (EPA:PRTR_Paper_and_wood_production_and_processing)
PRTR: Paper and wood production and processing
PRTR: Production and processing of metals (EPA:PRTR_Production_and_processing_of_metals)
PRTR: Production and processing of metals
PRTR: Waste and waste water management (EPA:PRTR_Waste_and_waste_water_management)
PRTR: Waste and waste water management
Location of EPA Radioactivity Monitoring sites
Radon Map (EPA:RAD_RadonMap)
Prediction of the percentage of homes in each 10 km grid square with radon concentrations in excess of the national Reference Level of 200 bequerel per cubic metre (Bq/m3).
River Waterbody WFD Latest Status (EPA:RWB_WFD_LatestStatus)
Latest Water Quality Status for WFD River Waterbodies
All EPA Priority Urban Areas (EPA:SIIF_AllPriorityUrban)
All EPA Priority Urban Areas
Impacting on Bathing Water (EPA:SIIF_BathingWaterImpact)
EPA Priority Urban Areas - Impacting on Bathing Water
Sewage Treatment <500pe (EPA:SIIF_CertsofAuthorisationLocations)
Sewage Treatment <500pe
Failing to meet EU Sewage Treatment Standards (EPA:SIIF_FailingUrbanWasteWaterTreatmentDirective)
EPA Priority Urban Areas - Failing to meet EU Sewage Treatment Standards
Key Pressure on Rivers or Lakes (EPA:SIIF_ImpactingonRiverQuality)
EPA Priority Urban Areas - Key Pressure on Rivers or Lakes
Improvement needed to protect Pearl Mussels (EPA:SIIF_ImprovementneededtoprotectPearlMussel)
EPA Priority Urban Areas - Improvement needed to protect Pearl Mussels
Improvement needed to protect Shellfish Waters (EPA:SIIF_ImprovementneededtoprotectShellfishWaters)
EPA Priority Urban Areas - Improvement needed to protect Shellfish Waters
Raw Sewage (EPA:SIIF_NoTreatmentorPreliminarytreatmentonly)
EPA Priority Urban Areas - Raw Sewage
Discharge Locations (EPA:SIIF_UWWEmissionPoints)
Sewage Treatment Discharge Locations
Sewage Treatment >500pe (EPA:SIIF_UWWPlantLocations)
Sewage Treatment >500pe
National Soils (EPA:SOILS_NationalSoils)
The indicative soils map classifies the soils of Ireland on a categorically simplified but cartographically detailed basis into 25 classes
National Soils Hydrology Map (EPA:SOILS_WETDRY)
Soils Wet/Dry for Ireland
SIS National Soils (EPA:SOIL_SISNationalSoils)
Irish Soil Information System National Soils Map (1:250,000)
Surface Water Receptor Nitrate PIP (EPA:SW_Nitrate_PIP)
Pollution Impact Potential Maps - Surface Water Receptor Nitrate
Surface Water Receptor Phosphate PIP (EPA:SW_Phosphate_PIP)
Pollution Impact Potential Maps - Surface Water Receptor Phosphate
Subsoils (EPA:Soil_subsoils_ie)
National Subsoils Map
Transitional Waterbody WFD Latest Status (EPA:TWB_WFD_LatestStatus)
Latest Water Quality Status for WFD Transitional Waterbodies
UWWT Agglomeration Boundaries (EPA:UWW_AgglomerationBoundaries)
Area serviced by a urban waste water (sewage) treatment plant.
Waste Boundary (EPA:WASTE_Boundary)
Location of Waste Emission Site Boundaries
River Catchments (1958) (EPA:WATER_CATCHMENTS)
Major river basin catchments amalgamated from a digitised version of a 1958 OSI Basins map
Hydrometric Areas in Ireland
Flow Network (Indicative) (EPA:WATER_RIVNETROUTES)
EPA National River Network at a scale of 1:50,000
River Flow Direction (EPA:WATER_RIVNETROUTES_FlowDirectionArrow)
Flow Direction Arrows of River Network
EPA National River Network at a scale of 1:50,000
River Network Streams - 1:50,000
WFD Areas For Action Plans (EPA:WFD_AFA_Plans)
WFD Areas For Action Plans
WFD Areas For Action (EPA:WFD_AreasForAction)
Areas where action will be carried out in the second cycle of the River Basin Management Plan.
Near Surface Nitrate Susceptibility (EPA:WFD_CCTnsNitrateSusc)
Identifies and ranks areas where nitrate can be transported by water overland and through soils and subsoils.
Near Surface Phosphate Susceptibility (EPA:WFD_CCTnsPhosphateSusc)
Identifies and ranks areas where phosphate can be transported by water overland and through soils and subsoils.
Sub Surface Nitrate Susceptibility (EPA:WFD_CCTsubSNitrateSusc)
Identifies and ranks areas where nitrate can be transported through groundwater
Coastal Waterbodies (EPA:WFD_COASTALWATERBODIESActive)
The coastal areas around the island are divided up into individual coastal waterbodies for monitoring and management purposes.
Coastal Waterbody WFD Status 2007-2009 (EPA:WFD_CWBStatus_20072009)
Coastal waterbody status during the 2007-2009 assessment cycle
Coastal Waterbody WFD Status 2010-2012 (EPA:WFD_CWBStatus_20102012)
Coastal waterbody status during the 2010-2012 assessment cycle.
Coastal Waterbody WFD Status 2010-2015 (EPA:WFD_CWBStatus_20102015)
Coastal waterbody status during the 2010-2015 assessment cycle.
Coastal Waterbody WFD Status 2013-2018 (EPA:WFD_CWBStatus_20132018)
Water Quality Status data for Coastal Waterbodies 2013-2018
Coastal Waterbodies Risk (EPA:WFD_CWB_ApprovedRisk)
Coastal Risk looks at the current water quality and trends and is used to highlight waterbodies that are at risk of deteriorating or being at less than Good status in the future.
Coastal Waterbodies Risk (EPA:WFD_CWB_ApprovedRisk_Cycle3)
Coastal Risk looks at the current water quality and trends and is used to highlight waterbodies that are at risk of deteriorating or being at less than Good status in the future.
Canal Waterbodies (EPA:WFD_CanalWaterbodies)
Waterways Ireland Canal Waterbodies
Waterways Ireland Canals (EPA:WFD_Canals)
Monitored canal waterbodies under the remit of Waterways Ireland
WFD Catchments (EPA:WFD_Catchments)
A catchment is an area where water is collected by the natural landscape and flows from source through river, lakes and groundwater to the sea.
Coastal Water Quality 2010-2012 (EPA:WFD_CoastalWaterQuality_20102012)
Water quality monitoring and assessments carried out on Irish Coastal Waters for the Reporting period 2010-2012
Coastal Waterbody Score 2008 (EPA:WFD_CoastalWaterbodyRiskScore)
Overall risk status result for Coastal Waterbodies (2008)
Salmonid River Regs (S.I. 293 only) - Latest Cycle (EPA:WFD_EU_SALMONIDWATERS)
Areas designated as supporting salmonid fish have extra protection in law.
Ground waterbodies (EPA:WFD_GROUNDWATERBODIESActive)
Our groundwater is naturally divided into a number of aquifers and this is dependent on geology. To help manage and protect our groundwater, aquifers are subdivided into groundwater bodies.
GW Ammonium Concentrate 2014 (EPA:WFD_GWAmmoniumConcentrate_2014)
Groundwater Quality - Ammonium Concentration 2014
Ground Waterbody WFD Status 2007-2012 (EPA:WFD_GWBStatus_20072012)
Groundwater waterbody status during the 2007-2012 assessment cycle.
Ground Waterbody WFD Status 2010-2015 (EPA:WFD_GWBStatus_20102015)
Groundwater waterbody status during the 2010-2015 assessment cycle.
Ground Waterbody WFD Status 2013-2018 (EPA:WFD_GWBStatus_20132018)
Water Quality Status Data for Ground Waterbodies 2013-2018
Ground Waterbodies Risk (EPA:WFD_GWB_ApprovedRisk)
Groundwater Risk looks at the current water quality and trends and is used to highlight waterbodies that are at risk of deteriorating or being at less than Good status in the future.
Ground Waterbodies Risk (EPA:WFD_GWB_ApprovedRisk_Cycle3)
Groundwater Risk looks at the current water quality and trends and is used to highlight waterbodies that are at risk of deteriorating or being at less than Good status in the future.
Groundwater Abstractions Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_Abstractions)
WFD Groundwater Waterbody Pressures Abstractions
Groundwater Agriculture Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_Agriculture)
Groundwater Anthropogenic Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_AnthropogenicPressures)
WFD Groundwater Waterbody Pressures Anthropogenic Pressures
Groundwater Aquaculture Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_Aquaculture)
WFD Groundwater Waterbody Pressures Aquaculture
Groundwater Atmospheric Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_Atmospheric)
WFD Groundwater Waterbody Pressures Atmospheric
Groundwater Domestic Waste Water Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_DomesticWasteWater)
WFD Groundwater Waterbody Pressures Domestic Waste Water
Groundwater Extractive Industry Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_ExtractiveIndustry)
WFD Groundwater Waterbody Pressures Extractive Industry
Groundwater Forestry Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_Forestry)
WFD Groundwater Waterbody Pressures Forestry
Groundwater Historically Polluted Site Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_HistoricallyPollutedSites)
WFD Groundwater Waterbody Historically Polluted Site Pressures
Groundwater Hydromorphology Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_Hydromorphology)
WFD Groundwater Waterbody Hydromorphology Pressures
Groundwater Industry Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_Industry)
WFD Groundwater Waterbody Industry Pressures
Groundwater Invasive Specie Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_Invasive_Species)
WFD Groundwater Waterbody Invasive Specie Pressures
Groundwater Other Anthropogenic Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_Other_Anthropogenic_Pressures)
WFD Groundwater Other Anthropogenic Pressures
Groundwater Urban Run Off Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_Urban_Run_Off)
WFD Groundwater Urban Run Off Pressures
Groundwater Urban Waste Water Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_Urban_Waste_Water)
WFD Groundwater Urban Waste Water Pressures
Groundwater Waste Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_Waste)
WFD Groundwater Waste Pressures
Groundwater Water Treatment Pressures (EPA:WFD_GWB_Pressures_Water_Treatment)
WFD Groundwater Water Treatment Pressures
GW Max Faecal Coliform 2014 (EPA:WFD_GWMaxFaecalColiform2014)
Groundwater Quality: Max Faecal Coliform 2014
GW Nitrate Concentration 2014 (EPA:WFD_GWNitrateConcentration_2014)
Groundwater Quality - Nitrate Concentration 2014
GW Phosphate Concentration 2014 (EPA:WFD_GWPhosphateConcentration_2014)
Groundwater Quality: Phosphate Concentration 2014
GW Ammonium Concentration 2007 - 2009 (EPA:WFD_GWQualityAmmonia_20072009)
Groundwater Quality - Ammonium Concentration 2007 - 2009
GW Quality Max Faecal Coliform: 2007-2009 (EPA:WFD_GWQualityMaxFaecalColiform_20072009)
Groundwater Quality: Max Faecal Coliform 2007-2009
GW Nitrate Concentration 2007 - 2009 (EPA:WFD_GWQualityNitrate_20072009)
Groundwater Quality - Nitrate Concentration 2007 - 2009
GW Phosphate Concentration 2007 - 2009 (EPA:WFD_GWQualityPhosphate_20072009)
Groundwater Quality: Phosphate Concentration 2007-2009
Groundwater Waterbody Score 2008 (EPA:WFD_GroundwaterbodyRiskScore)
Overall risk status result for Groundwater Waterbodies (2008)
Lake segments in the Republic of Ireland
Lake Water Quality 2007-2009 (EPA:WFD_LAKESEGMENT_MON_vwLakeWQ)
Lake Water Quality 2007-2009
Lake and TRaC Abstractions Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_Abstractions)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Abstractions
Lake and TRaC Agriculture Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_Agriculture)
Agriculture Lake, Transitional, Coastal Significant Pressure
Lake and TRaC Anthropogenic Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_AnthropogenicPressures)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Anthropogenic Pressures
Lake and TRaC Aquaculture Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_Aquaculture)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Aquaculture
Lake and TRaC Atmospheric Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_Atmospheric)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Atmospheric
Lake and TRaC Domestic Waste Water Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_DomesticWasteWater)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Domestic Waste Water
Lake and TRaC Extractive Industry Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_ExtractiveIndustry)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Extractive Industry
Lake and TRaC Forestry Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_Forestry)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Forestry
Lake and TRaC Historically Polluted Site Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_HistoricallyPollutedSites)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Historically Polluted Sites
Lake and TRaC Hydromorphology Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_Hydromorphology)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Hydromorphology
Lake and TRaC Industry Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_Industry)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Industry
Lake and TRaC Invasive Species Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_InvasiveSpecies)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Invasive Species
Lake and TRaC Other Anthropogenic Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_OtherAnthropogenicPressures)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Other Anthropogenic Pressures
Lake and TRaC Urban Run-off Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_UrbanRunoff)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Urban Run-off
Lake and TRaC Urban Waste Water Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_UrbanWasteWater)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Urban Waste Water
Lake and TRaC Waste Pressures (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_Waste)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Waste
Lake and TRaC Water Treatment (EPA:WFD_LTCWB_Pressures_WaterTreatment)
WFD Lake, Transitional, Coastal Waterbody Significant Pressures Water Treatment
WFD Lake Waterbody Status 2007-2009 (EPA:WFD_LWBStatus_20072009)
Lake Waterbody WFD Status 2010-2012 (EPA:WFD_LWBStatus_20102012)
Lake waterbody status during the 2010-2012 assessment cycle.
Lake Waterbody WFD Status 2010-2015 (EPA:WFD_LWBStatus_20102015)
Lake waterbody status during the 2010-2015 assessment cycle.
Lake Waterbody WFD Status 2013-2018 (EPA:WFD_LWBStatus_20132018)
Water Quality Status data for Lake Waterbodies 2013-2018
Lake Waterbodies Risk (EPA:WFD_LWB_ApprovedRisk)
Lake Risk looks at the current water quality and trends and is used to highlight waterbodies that are at risk of deteriorating or being at less than Good status in the future.
Lake Waterbodies Risk (EPA:WFD_LWB_ApprovedRisk_Cycle3)
Lake Risk looks at the current water quality and trends and is used to highlight waterbodies that are at risk of deteriorating or being at less than Good status in the future.
Lake Waterbodies (EPA:WFD_LakeWaterBodiesActive)
Lake water bodies have been assigned for monitoring purposes and helps us manage and protect our lakes at a local scale.
Lake Waterbody Score 2008 (EPA:WFD_LakewaterbodyRiskScore)
Overall risk status result for Lake Waterbodies (2008)
Margaritifera First Order Rivers (EPA:WFD_MARGARITFIRSTORDERRIV)
First order rivers with margaritifera present.
Water Framework Directive River Basin Districts
WFD_Register of Protected Areas Margaritifera Habitat Classification
Catchments of Margaritifera SAC populations listed in S.I. 296 of 2009
Margaritifera Sensitive Areas (EPA:WFD_RPAMargaritiferaSensitiveAreas)
WFD Register of Protected Areas Margaritifera Sensitive Areas
Catchment contributing to the bathing water area
Groundwater in Bathing Locations (EPA:WFD_RPA_BATHINGLOCATIONSGWB)
Groundwater that flows into designated bathing waters have extra protection in law
Surface Waters in Bathing Locations (EPA:WFD_RPA_BATHINGLOCATIONSSWB)
Surface water that flows into designated bathing waters have extra protection in law
Designated bathing waters have extra protection in law.
Bathing Water Areas - Dec 2018 (EPA:WFD_RPA_BATHINGWATERAREAS_DEC2018)
Designated bathing waters have extra protection in law.
Bathing Water Areas - Sep 2016 (EPA:WFD_RPA_BATHINGWATERAREAS_SEP2016)
Designated bathing waters have extra protection in law.
Register of Protected Areas - Bathing Water Areas (WFD RBMP Cycle 2) (EUSpatialReportingData:WFD_RPA_BATHINGWATERAREAS_WFDRBMPCycle2)
Register of Protected Areas - Bathing Water Areas (WFD RBMP Cycle 2)
Drinking Water - Groundwater (EPA:WFD_RPA_DRINKINGWATER_GWB)
Areas of groundwater that are a source of drinking water have extra protection in law.
Drinking Water - Groundwater - Dec 2018 (EPA:WFD_RPA_DRINKINGWATER_GWB_DEC2018)
Areas of groundwater that are a source of drinking water have extra protection in law.
Drinking Water - Groundwater - Sep 2016 (EPA:WFD_RPA_DRINKINGWATER_GWB_SEP2016)
Areas of groundwater that are a source of drinking water have extra protection in law.
Areas of rivers that are a source of drinking water have extra protection in law.
Drinking Water - Rivers - Dec 2018 (EPA:WFD_RPA_DRINKINGWATER_RWB_DEC2018)
Areas of rivers that are a source of drinking water have extra protection in law.
Drinking Water - Rivers - Sep 2016 (EPA:WFD_RPA_DRINKINGWATER_RWB_SEP2016)
Areas of rivers that are a source of drinking water have extra protection in law.
Areas of lakes that are a source of drinking water have extra protection in law.
Drinking Water - Lakes - Dec 2018 (EPA:WFD_RPA_DRINKINGWATER_SWB_DEC2018)
Areas of lakes that are a source of drinking water have extra protection in law.
Drinking Water - Lakes - Sep 2016 (EPA:WFD_RPA_DRINKINGWATER_SWB_SEP2016)
Areas of lakes that are a source of drinking water have extra protection in law.
Bathing Water Areas - Latest Cycle (EPA:WFD_RPA_EU_BATHINGWATERAREAS)
Designated bathing waters have extra protection in law.
Drinking Water - Groundwater - Latest Cycle (EPA:WFD_RPA_EU_DRINKINGWATER_GWB)
Areas of groundwater that are a source of drinking water have extra protection in law.
Drinking Water - Rivers - Latest Cycle (EPA:WFD_RPA_EU_DRINKINGWATER_RWB)
Areas of rivers that are a source of drinking water have extra protection in law.
Drinking Water - Lakes - Latest Cycle (EPA:WFD_RPA_EU_DRINKINGWATER_SWB)
Areas of lakes that are a source of drinking water have extra protection in law.
Nutrient Sensitive Areas - Lakes and Estuaries - Latest Cycle (EPA:WFD_RPA_EU_NSA_POLYGON)
Lakes and Estuaries designated as nutrient sensitive have extra protection in law.
Nutrient Sensitive Areas - Rivers - Latest Cycle (EPA:WFD_RPA_EU_NSA_POLYLINE)
Rivers designated as nutrient sensitive have extra protection in law.
Shellfish Areas - Latest Cycle (EPA:WFD_RPA_EU_SHELLFISH)
Anywhere designated shellfish production areas have extra protection in law.
Nutrient Sensitive Areas - Catchments of Interest (EPA:WFD_RPA_NSACATCHMENTSOFINTEREST)
WFD Register of Protected Areas - Nutrient Sensitive Areas Catchments of Interest
Groundwater in Nutrient Sensitive Areas (EPA:WFD_RPA_NSAGWB)
Ground water that flows into nutrient sensitive areas have extra protection in law
Rivers in Nutrient Sensitive Areas (EPA:WFD_RPA_NSARWB)
WFD Register of Protected Areas - Nutrient Sensitive Areas River Waterbodies
Surface Water in Nutrient Sensitive Areas (EPA:WFD_RPA_NSASWB)
WFD Register of Protected Areas - Nutrient Sensitive Areas Surface Waterbodies
Nutrient Sensitive Areas - Lakes and Estuaries (EPA:WFD_RPA_NSA_POLYGON)
Lakes and Estuaries designated as nutrient sensitive have extra protection in law.
Nutrient Sensitive Areas - Lakes and Estuaries - Dec 2018 (EPA:WFD_RPA_NSA_POLYGON_DEC2018)
Lakes and Estuaries designated as nutrient sensitive have extra protection in law.
Nutrient Sensitive Areas - Lakes and Estuaries - Sep 2016 (EPA:WFD_RPA_NSA_POLYGON_SEP2016)
Lakes and Estuaries designated as nutrient sensitive have extra protection in law.
Nutrient Sensitive Areas - Rivers (EPA:WFD_RPA_NSA_POLYLINE)
Rivers designated as nutrient sensitive have extra protection in law.
Nutrient Sensitive Areas - Rivers - Dec 2018 (EPA:WFD_RPA_NSA_POLYLINE_DEC2018)
Rivers designated as nutrient sensitive have extra protection in law.
Nutrient Sensitive Areas - Rivers - Sep 2016 (EPA:WFD_RPA_NSA_POLYLINE_SEP2016)
Rivers designated as nutrient sensitive have extra protection in law.
Nutrient Sensitive Areas - Points (EPA:WFD_RPA_NSA_PTS)
Nutrient Sensitive Points in River, Coastal and Transitional waters have extra protection in law
Groundwater in SAC Habitats (EPA:WFD_RPA_SACCOHGWB)
Ground water that flows into SAC Site-Specific Conservation Objective Habitats have extra protection in law.
Rivers in SAC Habitats (EPA:WFD_RPA_SACCOHRWB)
Rivers that flow into SAC Site-Specific Conservation Objective Habitats have extra protection in law.
Surface Waters in SAC Habitats (EPA:WFD_RPA_SACCOHSWB)
Surface waters that flow into SAC Site-Specific Conservation Objective Habitats have extra protection in law.
Groundwater in SAC Species (EPA:WFD_RPA_SACCOSGWB)
Ground water that flows into SAC Site-Specific Conservation Objective Species have extra protection in law.
Rivers that flow into SAC Site-Specific Conservation Objective Species have extra protection in law.
Surface Waters in SAC Species (EPA:WFD_RPA_SACCOSSWB)
Surface waters that flow into SAC Site-Specific Conservation Objective Species have extra protection in law.
Ground water that flows into salmonid supporting areas has extra protection in law
Rivers that flow into salmonid supporting areas have extra protection in law
Surface Waters in Salmonid Regs (EPA:WFD_RPA_SALMONIDWATERREGSSWB)
Surface waters that flow into salmonid supporting areas has extra protection in law
Anywhere designated shellfish production areas have extra protection in law.
Groundwater in Shellfish Areas (EPA:WFD_RPA_SHELLFISHGWB)
Ground water that flows into shellfish areas have extra protection in law
Rivers in Shellfish Areas (EPA:WFD_RPA_SHELLFISHRWB)
Rivers that flow into shellfish areas have extra protection in law
Surface Waters in Shellfish Areas (EPA:WFD_RPA_SHELLFISHSWB)
Surface waters that flow into shellfish areas have extra protection in law
Shellfish Areas - Dec 2018 (EPA:WFD_RPA_SHELLFISH_DEC2018)
Anywhere designated shellfish production areas have extra protection in law.
Shellfish Areas - Sep 2016 (EPA:WFD_RPA_SHELLFISH_SEP2016)
Anywhere designated shellfish production areas have extra protection in law.
Groundwater in SPA Habitats (EPA:WFD_RPA_SPACOHGWB)
Ground water that flows into SPA Site-Specific Conservation Objective Habitats have extra protection in law.
Rivers in SPA Habitats (EPA:WFD_RPA_SPACOHRWB)
Rivers that flow into SPA Site-Specific Conservation Object Habitats have extra protection in law.
Surface Waters in SPA Habitats (EPA:WFD_RPA_SPACOHSWB)
Surface waters that flow into SPA Site-Specific Conservation Objective Habitats have extra protection in law.
River Waterbody WFD Status 2007-2009 (EPA:WFD_RWBStatus_20072009)
River waterbody status during the 2007-2009 assessment cycle.
River Water Quality Status: 2010-2012 (EPA:WFD_RWBStatus_20102012)
River Waterbody WFD Status 2010-2015 (EPA:WFD_RWBStatus_20102015)
River waterbody status during the 2010-2015 assessment cycle.
River Waterbody WFD Status 2013-2018 (EPA:WFD_RWBStatus_20132018)
Water Quality Status Data for River Waterbodies 2013-2018
River Waterbodies Risk (EPA:WFD_RWB_ApprovedRisk)
River Risk looks at the current water quality and trends and is used to highlight waterbodies that are at risk of deteriorating or being at less than Good status in the future.
River Waterbodies Risk (EPA:WFD_RWB_ApprovedRisk_Cycle3)
River Risk looks at the current water quality and trends and is used to highlight waterbodies that are at risk of deteriorating or being at less than Good status in the future.
River Abstraction Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Abstractions)
WFD RiverWaterbody Significant Pressures Abstractions
River Agriculture Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Agriculture)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Agriculture Pressures
River Anthropogenic Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Anthropogenic)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Anthropogenic Pressures
River Aquaculture Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Aquaculture)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Aquaculture Pressures
River Atmospheric Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Atmospheric)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Atmospheric Pressures
River Domestic Waste Water Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Domestic_Waste_Water)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Domestic Waste Water Pressures
River Extractive Industry Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Extractive_Industry)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Extractive Industry Pressures
River Forestry Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Forestry)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Forestry Pressures
River Historically Polluted Site Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Historically_Polluted_Sites)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Historically Polluted Site Pressures
River Hydromorphology Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Hydromorphology)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Hydromorphology Pressures
River Industry Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Industry)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Industry Pressures
River Invasive Species Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Invasive_Species)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Invasive Species Pressures
River Other Anthropogenic Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Other_Anthropogenic_Pressures)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Other Anthropogenic Pressures
River Urban Run Off Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Urban_Run_off)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Urban Run Off Pressures
River Urban Waste Water Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Urban_Waste_Water)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Urban Waste Water Pressures
River Waste Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Waste)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Waste Pressures
River Water Treatment Pressures (EPA:WFD_RWB_Pressures_Water_Treatment)
WFD River Waterbody Significant Water Treatment Pressures
WFD River Sub Basins (EPA:WFD_RiverSubBasins)
WFD River Water Body Polygons (RWB) are the management and reporting unit for the WFD
River Waterbodies (EPA:WFD_RiverWaterBodiesActive)
Each river is divided into a number of individual river water bodies for monitoring purposes and this helps us manage and protect our rivers at a local scale.
River Waterbodies (wfd:WFD_RiverWaterbodiesActive)
Each river is divided into a number of individual river water bodies for monitoring purposes and this helps us manage and protect our rivers at a local scale.
River Waterbody Score 2008 (EPA:WFD_RiverWaterbodyRiskScore)
Overall risk status result for River Waterbodies (2008)
Salmonid River Regs (S.I. 293 only) (EPA:WFD_SalmonidWaters)
Areas designated as supporting salmonid fish have extra protection in law.
Salmonid River Regs (S.I. 293 only) - Dec 2018 (EPA:WFD_SalmonidWaters_Dec2018)
Areas designated as supporting salmonid fish have extra protection in law.
Salmonid River Regs (S.I. 293 only) - Sep 2016 (EPA:WFD_SalmonidWaters_Sep2016)
Areas designated as supporting salmonid fish have extra protection in law.
Section 4 Discharges (EPA:WFD_Section4s)
Local authorities license smaller discharges of trade effluent and wastewater to ground or surface waters. This dataset was compiled in April 2016.
WFD SubCatchments (EPA:WFD_SubCatchments)
Each catchment is made up of a number of subcatchments that link river, lakes and groundwater together.
Transitional Waterbody WFD Status 2007-2009 (EPA:WFD_TWBStatus_20072009)
Transitional waterbody status during the 2007-2009 assessment cycle.
Transitional Waterbody WFD Status 2010-2012 (EPA:WFD_TWBStatus_20102012)
Transitional waterbody status during the 2010-2012 assessment cycle.
Transitional Waterbody WFD Status 2010-2015 (EPA:WFD_TWBStatus_20102015)
Transitional waterbody status during the 2010-2015 assessment cycle.
Transitional Waterbody WFD Status 2013-2018 (EPA:WFD_TWBStatus_20132018)
Water Quality Status Data for Transitional Waterbodies 2013-2018
Transitional Waterbodies Risk (EPA:WFD_TWB_ApprovedRisk)
Transitional Risk looks at the current water quality and trends and is used to highlight waterbodies that are at risk of deteriorating or being at less than Good status in the future.
Transitional Waterbodies Risk (EPA:WFD_TWB_ApprovedRisk_Cycle3)
Transitional Risk looks at the current water quality and trends and is used to highlight waterbodies that are at risk of deteriorating or being at less than Good status in the future.
Transitional Water Quality 2010-2012 (EPA:WFD_TransitionalWaterQuality_20102012)
Water quality monitoring and assessments carried out on Irish Transitional Waters for the Reporting period 2010-2012
Transitional Waterbodies (EPA:WFD_TransitionalWaterbodiesActive)
Transitional water bodies include estuaries and coastal water bodies.
Transitional Water Score 2008 (EPA:WFD_TransitionalWaterbodyRiskScore)
Overall risk status result for Transitional Waterbodies (2008)
Water Management Units (EPA:WFD_WMU)
Water Management Units delineated for Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC)
Waste Emission Points (EPA:WST_EmissionPts)
The location of emission points from Waste facilities (EPA Licensed, applied, closed etc.)
Waste Monitoring Points (EPA:WST_MonitoringPts)
The location of monitoring points from Waste facilities (EPA Licensed, applied, closed etc.)
Significant Pressures - Urban Waste Water Plant Locations (EPA:WWDA_SignificantPressures)
A list of UWW Plant Locations that are considered a WFD Significant Pressure
Significant Pressures - Waste Facilities (EPA:Waste_SignificantPressures)
A list of waste facilities that are considered to be WFD significant pressures
Stories (EPA:stories)
A Catchment Story at this location, bringing science and policy to life.
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