terrestris GmbH und Co. KG |
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terrestris GmbH und Co. KG (unverified)
Contact information:
Johannes Weskamm
terrestris GmbH und Co. KG
Pützchens Chaussee 56,
Phone: +49(0)228 962 899 51
Map of the World, showing boundaries, populated places, rivers, lakes, urban areas and elevation points. Data used from Natural Earth (http://www.naturalearthdata.com/)
Natural_Earth (Natural Earth)
Map of the World, showing boundaries, populated places, rivers, lakes, urban areas and elevation points. Data used from Natural Earth (http://www.naturalearthdata.com/)
Shaded Relief (Shaded_Relief)
Level_1_Admin_Boundaries (Level_1_Admin_Boundaries)
Countries (Countries)
Glaciated_Areas (Glaciated_Areas)
Antarctic_Ice_Shelve (Antarctic_Ice_Shelve)
Marine_Geography (Marine_Geography)
Oceans (Oceans)
Lakes (Lakes)
Centerlines_Rivers_Lakes (Centerlines_Rivers_Lakes)
Roads (Roads)
Railroads (Railroads)
Populated_Places (Populated_Places)
Urban_Areas (Urban_Areas)
Elevation_Points (Elevation_Points)
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