Province of British Columbia

Service health Now:
Web Service, OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0
British Columbia, BC, Canada, land ownership, parcels, titles
Access constraints
This legacy Web Map Services will no longer be maintained on an ongoing basis as of December 31, 2015. It will be removed from operations as of March 31, 2016. To see the latest in DataBC WMS services please go to
Supported languages
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service language support) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.
Data provider

Province of British Columbia (unverified)

Contact information:

DataBC Map Services

Province of British Columbia

PO Box 9406, Stn Prov Govt, V8W 9V1 Victoria, Canada


Service metadata
No INSPIRE Extended Capabilities (including service metadata) given. See INSPIRE Technical Guidance - View Services for more information.

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This legacy Web Map Services will no longer be maintained on an ongoing basis as of December 31, 2015. It will be removed from operations as of March 31, 2016. To see the latest in DataBC WMS services please go to

Available map layers (83)

BCGov - Land Ownership and Status (MS)

This legacy Web Map Services will no longer be maintained on an ongoing basis as of December 31, 2015. It will be removed from operations as of March 31, 2016. To see the latest in DataBC WMS services please go to

Development Agreement Applications - Tantalis - Outlined (DEV_AG_APP_TANT_O)

Development Agreement Applications - Tantalis - Colour Filled (DEV_AG_APP_TANT_CF)

Development Agreement Tenures - Tantalis - Outlined (DEV_AG_TEN_TANT_O)

Development Agreement Tenures - Tantalis - Colour Filled (DEV_AG_TEN_TANT_CF)

Inclusion Applications - Tantalis - Outlined (INC_APP_TANT_O)

Inclusion Applications - Tantalis - Colour Filled (INC_APP_TANT_CF)

Inclusion Tenures - Tantalis - Outlined (INC_TEN_TANT_O)

Inclusion Tenures - Tantalis - Colour Filled (INC_TEN_TANT_CF)

Inventory - Tantalis - Outlined (INV_TANT_O)

Inventory - Tantalis - Colour Filled (INV_TANT_CF)

Lease Tenures - Tantalis - Colour Filled (LEASE_TEN_TANT_CF)

Lease Tenures - Tantalis - Outlined (LEASE_TEN_TANT_O)

Crown Lease Applications - Outlined (LEASE_APP_TANT_O)

Crown Lease Applications - Colour Filled (LEASE_APP_TANT_CF)

License Applications - Tantalis - Colour Filled (LIC_APP_TANT_CF)

License Applications - Tantalis - Outlined (LIC_APP_TANT_O)

License Tenures - Tantalis - Colour Filled (LIC_TEN_TANT_CF)

License Tenures - Tantalis - Outlined (LIC_TEN_TANT_O)

Operating Agreement Applications - Tantalis - Colour Filled (OP_AGRMNT_APP_TANT_CF)

Operating Agreement Applications - Tantalis - Outlined (OP_AGRMNT_APP_TANT_O)

Operating Agreement Tenures - Tantalis - Colour Filled (OP_AGRMNT_TEN_TANT_CF)

Operating Agreement Tenures - Tantalis - Outlined (OP_AGRMNT_TEN_TANT_O)

Permit Applications - Tantalis - Colour Filled (PERMIT_APP_TANT_CF)

Permit Applications - Tantalis - Outlined (PERMIT_APP_TANT_O)

Permit Tenures - Tantalis - Colour Filled (PERMIT_TEN_TANT_CF)

Permit Tenures - Tantalis - Outlined (PERMIT_TEN_TANT_O)

Reserve and Notation Applications - Tantalis - Colour Filled (RES_NOT_APP_TANT_CF)

Reserve and Notation Applications - Tantalis - Outlined (RES_NOT_APP_TANT_O)

Reserve and Notation Tenures - Tantalis - Colour Filled (RES_NOT_TEN_TANT_CF)

Reserve and Notation Tenures - Tantalis - Outlined (RES_NOT_TEN_TANT_O)

Revenue Sharing Agreement Applications - Tantalis - Colour Filled (REV_SHRNG_AG_APP_TANT_CF)

Revenue Sharing Agreement Applications - Tantalis - Outlined (REV_SHRNG_AG_APP_TANT_O)

Revenue Sharing Agreement Tenures - Tantalis - Colour Filled (REV_SHRNG_AG_TEN_TANT_CF)

Revenue Sharing Agreement Tenures - Tantalis - Outlined (REV_SHRNG_AG_TEN_TANT_O)

Rights of Way Applications - Tantalis - Colour Filled (ROWA_TANT_CF)

Rights of Way Applications - Tantalis - Outlined (ROWA_TANT_O)

Rights of Way Tenures - Tantalis - Colour Filled (ROWT_TANT_CF)

Rights of Way Tenures -Tantalis - Outlined (ROWT_TANT_O)

Tenure Applications - Tantalis - Colour Filled (TEN_APP_TANT_CF)

Tenure Applications - Tantalis - Outlined (TEN_APP_TANT_O)

Tenure Applications - Tantalis - Feature Identification (TEN_APP_TANT_FI)

Tenures - Tantalis - Colour Filled (TEN_TANT_CF)

Tenures - Tantalis - Outlined (TEN_TANT_O)

Tenures - Tantalis - Feature Identification (TEN_TANT_FI)

Tenure Applications by Purpose - Tantalis - Colour Themed (TEN_APP_BY_PURP_TANT_CT)

Tenures by Purpose - Tantalis - Colour Themed (TEN_BY_PURP_TANT_CT)

Land Act Survey Parcels - Tantalis - Legal Descriptions (LASURVP_TANT_LD)

Land Act Survey Parcels - Tantalis - Outlined (LASURVP_TANT_O)

Land Act Subdivision Parcels - Tantalis - Colour Filled (LASDP_TANT_CF)

Land Act Primary Parcels - Tantalis - Colour Filled (LAPP_TANT_CF)

Land Act Surveyed Rights of Way Parcels - Tantalis - Colour Filled (SUR_RIGHT_OF_WAY_CF)

Land Act Surveyed Rights of Way Parcels - Tantalis - Legal Descriptions (SUR_RIGHT_OF_WAY_LD)

Land Act Surveyed Rights of Way Parcels - Tantalis - Outlined (SUR_RIGHT_OF_WAY_O)

Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Outlined (CBM_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PUB_O)

Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Private Ownership (CBM_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PUB_PRIVATE)

Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Private Ownership - Feature Identification (CBM_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PUB_PRIVATE_FI)

Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Crown Ownership (CBM_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PUB_CROWN)

Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Crown Ownership - Feature Identification (CBM_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PUB_CROWN_FI)

Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Crown Provincial Ownership (CBM_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PUB_CROWN_PROV)

Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Crown Provincial Ownership - Feature Identification (CBM_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PUB_CROWN_PROV_FI)

Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Crown Federal Ownership (CBM_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PUB_CROWN_FED)

Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Crown Federal Ownership - Feature Identification (CBM_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PUB_CROWN_FED_FI)

Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Crown Municipal Ownership (CBM_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PUB_CROWN_MUNI)

Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Crown Municipal Ownership (CBM_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PUB_CROWN_MUNI_FI)

Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Unknown Ownership (CBM_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PUB_UNKNOWN)

Integrated Cadastral Fabric - Unknown Ownership - Feature Identification (CBM_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PUB_UNKNOWN_FI)

Land Act Subdivision - Tantalis - Legal Descriptions (TA_SURVEY_PARCELS_LD)

Land Act Subdivision - Tantalis - Colour Filled (TA_SURVEY_PARCELS_LA_SUB_CF)

Crown Transportation Surveys (TA_TRANSPORTATION)

Surveyed Well Sites - Petroleum And Natural Gas - Tantalis (SUR_WELL_SITES_PNG)

Approved Forest Development Units (FSP_FDU_APP)

Approved Forest Development Units (1:50,000) (FSP_FDU_POLY_50K_APP)

Approved Forest Development Units (1:300,000) (FSP_FDU_POLY_300K_APP)

Previous Forest Development Units (FSP_FDU_PREV)

Previous Forest Development Units (1:50,000) (FSP_FDU_POLY_50K_PREV)

Previous Forest Development Units (1:300,000) (FSP_FDU_POLY_300K_PREV)

Draft Forest Development Units (FSP_FDU_DRFT)

Draft Forest Development Units (1:50,000) (FSP_FDU_POLY_50K_DRFT)

Draft Forest Development Units (1:300,000) (FSP_FDU_POLY_300K_DRFT)

Submitted Forest Development Units (FSP_FDU_SUB)

Submitted Forest Development Units (1:50,000) (FSP_FDU_POLY_50K_SUB)

Submitted Forest Development Units (1:300,000) (FSP_FDU_POLY_300K_SUB)

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